Imagine unlocking your business's potential and witnessing unprecedented growth.

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Marketing for a business is


But so is every task you need to complete!

There are already

101 things to-do on your list.

So how do you fit marketing in?

You have three options

Do it yourself?

Not a problem if you have little to do.
Troublesome if you are busy.

New Staff?

New members are costly to train up, not to mention the time spent recruiting them.

Hire an Agency?

Extremely expensive and not the most personal experience.


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3 Easy Ways for Local Businesses to Increase Their Visibility

At my local library, there is a sign that makes me chuckle every time I see it.I always wonder, "How many people have fallen for this?" since I myself have fallen for its trap (on more than one occasion)!It reads:

Now the first time I read this, I thought I had struck gold!"Free pizza in the library! How have I not heard of this before?"I was over the moon, and my stomach was already looking forward to it.And yet...My terrible eyesight had completely missed the sub-text, 🤦Which put a bit of a damper on things.But it is a great example of adapting the truth to engage the audience whilst communicating the same message - without the emphasis on "free" and "pizza," I doubt anyone would take notice.Another cracking example of this was a billboard for a cereal brand:

Similar technique, same result.Another method for local businesses is taking advantage of dynamic content.How many times have you visited a Facebook group’s page and seen post after post of static images with basic writing or "here are some pictures of what we did today," or a pricing range, or a terrible headline with a loosely associated image...🥱...You get the idea.Not exactly grabbing your attention.Incorporating moving elements will help set you apart from 95% of the competition, attracting a new wave of attention towards your business. 👋But before you go and hire Christopher Nolan to shoot a £50 million, Inception-style, super-complicated advert just so you can get a few more views......some simple animations will do the trick - just a little something that will catch people’s eyes as they scroll. I’d recommend using the free websites Canva or Snappa, which will give you access to a plentiful supply of templates and animations.If you really get into it, you can then move on to more substantial and complete services such as Adobe Express or Visme.Or,Some people love the idea of a mini movie trailer:
Back in primary school, we had access to the school iPads for one afternoon a week. 🎉 I spent all my time on iMovie, playing around with different effects and transitions, trying to make "the greatest movie trailer of all time."
I like to think 9 year old me achieved that result, with only a handful of video clips, each a few seconds long.To do this yourself, you could get in touch with a local videographer. Or even that one cousin you have that’s good with technology (we all have one, I’m convinced of it).Better yet, grow a third arm and film it yourself!Regardless of "the how," the end result will pay dividends, positioning your business as a forward-thinking, modern business that sets itself apart from the rest.The third method I want to talk to you about is using lead magnets.No, not the things you have on your fridge, but items that are "magnetic" to "leads". Let me paint you a picture to explain this concept further:I’m hungry (a common event if you ask anyone close to me), and I’m fancying some freshly made bread. 🥖and it just so happens there are two amazing bakeries across the street from each other.As I’m walking down the path, my nose is swarmed with a great waft of gorgeous smells - its warm, rich fragrance captivates me. 😯I head towards the source, knowing whatever is making the smell must taste even better.As I reach the first bakery, I stop - "Perhaps the other bakery has an even better smell?"Thrilled by the thought, I rush over.Expecting to be consumed by a warm, inviting aroma and the promise of delicious, freshly-baked delight...

...I was severely disappointed.

There was no smell, none whatsoever. 😑There wasn’t even a display in the window, only a sign saying "Bakery" on a faded, chipped sign.I promptly headed back to the first store...Snapping out of that imaginary world, can you see why I chose the first bakery?The second may have had the best tiger loaves in the country, but I had no reason to look, no reason to trust them.In that scenario, the lead magnet was the smell. A little piece of free value that improves your customer’s life a bit, whilst alluding to a greater prize beyond.Lead magnets are awesome at conveying three concepts to your customers:
- You know what you are doing,
- You care about them by solving one of their problems,
- They can trust what you provide.
Killing multiple birds with one stone.And it's super easy to do!If you are a nail manicuring company, offer a free quiz to determine the colour that suits your nails best. 💅If you are a bike repair shop, create a mini guidebook for re-attaching a chain or ensuring your brakes are up to scratch. 🚲If you are a hamster-selling store, have leaflets that explain the five easiest ways to take care of a hamster. 🐹Etc. etc.You could even call this post a lead magnet 👀

Advice from Alex Hormozi that gained me 3x more customers

It all started whilst I was roasting in a sauna on a golfing holiday… ⛳Now, I’m not particularly good at golf; in fact, I’m pretty poor at it, but I wanted to give it a go and see what all the hype was about.I spent two weeks at the resort practising my tee shot, losing golf balls, attempting chip shots, ripping up the turf, refining my putting, and losing more balls.My many years of crazy golf meant that once I was on the green, I wasn’t too shabby.It was getting to the green that was the issue…Anyway, after a frustrating day attempting to play golf, I made my way down to the spa to get in some exercise – golf isn’t exactly a strenuous sport.After banging out some lengths, the sauna called to me, so I hopped in and met Will.Initially, I was going to completely ignore Will and be a silent sitter, watching the sand trickle down in the timer.

But where’s the fun in that?

I struck up a conversation with the English classic – “Weather’s been lovely recently, hasn’t it?”From there, we chatted back and forth until I discovered he was developing an AI tool to help with email marketing.What a stroke of luck! He shared some of his insights and lessons from being in the business industry for over five years.But it was the last thing he said that changed everything:“I think you should check out Alex Hormozi.”My brain thought, “You’ve listened to a podcast with him before, you don’t need to do that!”How wrong I was. 😂So, I decided to make the incredibly difficult and laborious decision to watch one of his videos.I picked one at random, and within a minute it had changed my whole perception of business.Alex explained the power of reselling to current customers, as you already have their trust and they know your product/service works.


He enlightened me to the idea of referrals.His example was this:His sales team was crushing it, getting loads of new clients in the door, making lots of money; things were going great.But more specifically, a new salesman that Alex had just hired was pulling in over 30% more customers, in the same number of calls.After analysing his method, Alex was perplexed and couldn’t work out why this was the case because:
- The salesman’s outreach numbers were similar to everyone else’s
- And the salesman’s conversion rates were similar to everyone else’s
🤔Alex confronted the salesman to find out his secret, his hack that gained him so many more customers.He answered:“At the end of the call, I ask who else they know would be interested.”A subtle question but it has the capacity to transform your business.I immediately implemented this tactic myself, and sure enough, the number of leads I gained exploded.Even from the people who weren’t interested in my service, I would pop them the question too.

Within the space of two weeks, I had tripled the number of clients interested in me.

The great thing about this tactic is that you can use it almost anywhere.- If a customer wants a discount, say yes but only if they get you three new people who are interested in working with you.
- Create advertising campaigns about how your service is X% more successful when done with a partner.
- Referral programmes – offer free rewards or money to those who get you leads which convert.
By leveraging your current customers to give you more leads, your business can skyrocket.And you hardly have to do any work for it to work.

Learn from a Fly: How to Avoid Wasting Time in Business

I recently had a comical showdown with a persistently foolish fly.
Picture this: I'm at my desk, deeply focused on... well, something important (I think), when suddenly…
THUD THUD THUD.I ignored it.It didn’t help.THUD THUD THUD THUD.I swivelled around to find the source of this disturbance.Lo and behold, it was an exceptionally dense fly, repeatedly crashing into my window, desperate for freedom.Now, my room setup isn't exactly fly-friendly. Imagine a window at a 45-degree angle, teasing the fly with the promise of escape.So for a good fifteen minutes, I tried everything short of revving up a hoover to evict this determined insect.Eventually, the fly found its way out, leaving me with a lesson about human nature.We often waste time and energy on pursuits as futile as a fly banging against glass.Whether it's overeating, pointless tasks, or ineffective strategies in business, we all have our metaphorical windows to navigate.As business owners, our goals are clear: more revenue, more clients, and growth.We hustle tirelessly, hoping to hit these targets swiftly and smoothly.But sometimes, it feels like we're the fly, endlessly hitting a window. Here’s a simple yet powerful hack to avoid this trap:Analyse: Will your current task bring you closer to your goal? If not, change course.
Adapt: Identify different methods of reaching your targets until you find the most efficient route to success.
Action: Implement and test what you’ve learned consistently.
Repeat: Continuously refine your approach based on results.
By applying this process, you’ll sidestep major time-wasting pitfalls and stay on the fast track to achieving your goals.

How Mr. Bean Taught Me the Secret to Successful Marketing

People often spend their lives “learning” marketing, but it all boils down to one principle:“Customers buy products to solve problems.”You might think this has nothing to do with marketing, but it’s actually fundamental. Let’s break it down:1. Find out what your customer’s problems are.
2. Provide a solution for those problems.
3. Showcase why your solution is superior.
Simple, right? But in practice, it’s a bit more complicated, as Mr. Bean will hilariously demonstrate...One of my favourite sketches of his is when he sits a maths exam. For argument's sake, we can assume a few things:
- He’s been studying hard.
- The exam is difficult.
- It’s crucial for him to pass.
The sketch begins with Mr. Bean setting up his desk, pulling out a variety of odd objects like a pink panther toy, a miniature policeman, and an alarm clock. Classic Mr Bean.When the exam starts, he eagerly tears open the envelope and scans the green paper.His joy quickly turns to despair as he realises he doesn’t understand any of the test. It’s all gobbledegook to him.All that studying was for nothing!

After calming himself, he realises that trying to answer the questions himself would be futile.So, he does what any resourceful problem solver would do: he tries to copy from the student next to him.After several unsuccessful attempts, he gives up and waits.Just before the exam ends, the invigilator instructs the students to put the green tests in the green box and the white tests in the white box.White test?


Mr. Bean scrambles to find the white test paper still in his envelope. This one he understands!He starts the correct test with renewed vigour……only to be interrupted by the invigilator’s call of “TIME.”Oh Dear. Poor Mr Bean had only completed 1 question. What a waste of time.(If you haven’t seen the sketch, it’s an all-time classic. You can easily find it on YouTube - I highly recommend it!)Now, you may be wondering, “How does Mr. Bean’s exam relate to marketing and creating the perfect ad?”Just like Mr. Bean people often spend enormous amounts of time on marketing, producing good-looking adverts with decent headlines and copy.Yet they still miss the mark.Why?Because they’re studying for the wrong test.Imagine I’m a football coach for toddlers. I want more toddlers to join.So, I think, how do I get more toddlers interested?The next day, I put up a massive poster saying, “Free sweets! Come kick a ball!”And Surprise Surprise, I get no results.The problem is obvious. I’m not actually selling to toddlers; I’m selling to their parents. Even the greatest advert for toddlers won’t yield results if the parents aren’t interested.Understanding exactly who you’re selling to is the key to any advert’s success. It should be the first thing you pinpoint, and it will determine if your campaigns pass or fail the test.Here’s an easy trick to help you identify your target market:
    1. Find your competitors, both big and small.
    2. Check their reviews on platforms like Facebook, Google, and Trustpilot.
    3. Use these reviews to get a good idea of your market, how they speak, and what’s important to them.
Or, if you want a winning advert now, get in touch. We’d love to get you results!

Website Design 101

Websites should be like a fast-food restaurant, not a clothes shop. Let me explain:Clothes shopping is boring.Shopping for clothes can be a tedious experience 😂Yet people still find it fun!?Yes spending money is fun, but wasting 5 hours in a shopping centre just to buy a candle is the very opposite of an enjoyable experience.(Unless it’s a very special candle then it’s totally acceptable 🕯️)My last experience of clothes shopping was at a surf shop on the way back from an absolutely splendid trip to Cornwall…It had rained every day 😠At first glance, the shop looked pretty appealing - rustic surfing theme, bright colours and an absolute ton of clothes.My curiosity got the better of me.(In hindsight it was an absolute waste of time!)I inspected a T-shirt - looks decent but nothing special. I’d only get it if it was cheap something like 15/20 poun-– £60 🤯£60!For the sake of all upside-down flying wombats!(If you didn’t know wombats are actually a superior race with incredible technological capabilities.Don’t believe me!?I’ll prove it.Even flat-earthers can’t say that.Here is a picture I took just last week, perfect resolution and everything:

That’s concrete proof if I’ve ever seen itAnyway, now I’ve alerted you to the biggest discovery in the history of mankind, let’s get back to good old clothes shopping.)Irritated, I did the only natural thing anyone does in a shop…“Surely there will be something I like”After sifting through more outrageously priced items, I left the store empty-handed.Not a very positive or pleasant experience, and completely different to a fast-food restaurant:You are served immediately:Self-service or manned tills.Fast and Efficient.The next step is so genius that Uber uses it. 🧠Uber is a household name and the go-to service if you want a taxi.“Get an Uber” is now almost as common as “Google it”.One of their features is a map to determine where your driver is.

This does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to improve waiting times or reduce costs of the journey.If anything it costs more to implement it!So why does Uber accredit it with so much of their success?Uncertainty.The killer of businesses. 💀The biggest reason people don’t buy from “trusted” or “established” brands is due to their lack of trust in the business.You don’t have this issue with gargantuan giants like Amazon or Apple - they’ve already earned your trust.So by displaying the location of their Uber drivers, Uber is building up trust levels with their customer base.Whilst also removing any level of uncertainty - “they’re only 12 mins away!”, “oh they are only two streets away hooray”, “I can sit down and relax for a bit while I wait”. 😌You can relax, there is no stress, just chill out.Fast-food restaurants use this strategy - they’ll display the order number on a screen to signify if it’s being prepared or cooked.This removes all uncertainty to customers, giving them peace of mind - ideal if you want the customer to come back.Then your food is called, you grab it, scran it and you go on your way. Slick and quick.Now I will admit fast-food quality isn’t as good as a high-end restaurant, but the price and swiftness of it keeps it as a competitor.So, how does this relate to websites? It's quite simple:One of my pet peeves is poorly designed websites.It's easy to get them right, yet businesses often overcomplicate things. Your website should be quick and easy for visitors to navigate and understand. Aim for:
- Simplicity: Ensure your website is easy to navigate.
- Clarity: Make it easy for visitors to say "YES" to your product or service.
- Efficiency: Less is more; keep it streamlined.
Don't be like a clothes shop, where customers navigate mindlessly and might stumble upon what they're looking for by accident, only to be put off by the price. Be like a fast-food restaurant: simple, easy, and efficient.At CDK Solutions we offer free website analysis. Click here to get in touch so we can enhance your website

Marketing is NOT Sales: Avoid This Mistake in Your Business

I will be the first to admit that foot-golf is surprisingly difficult.It seems simple—just kicking a ball into a hole. I’ve been kicking footballs all my life, so how hard could it be?I remember exactly when I decided to get into football. It was a moment of genius.Back in primary school, when I was around 8 or 9, I made it my mission to join the football team. If you remember primary school, you’ll know that if you were on the football team, you were "that guy." You got to leave class early for matches, had special after-school training, and everyone wanted to be your friend!Naturally, I wanted a piece of that. But there was one tiny issue.A slight problem that could have scuppered my plans before they started.A minuscule detail that could get in the way of my dreams…I’d never kicked a football before.At least not in any game setting.All my classmates in the football team had been playing consistently since they were young. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were doing keepie-uppies in their cribs!If I attempted to join the team, I would be


Unsurprisingly, I didn’t fancy that.But that didn’t dampen my determination, as I had devised a brilliant plan.Growing up, I was a tad reckless. I once split my head open after running into a door (I’ll have you know the door had it coming). To the delight of my mum, I’ve kept up that streak!Anyway, I loved throwing myself around, getting dirty, and being an idiot.Younger me thought: “This is my way onto the team.”Now, sadly, I believe sliding tackles were frowned upon in primary school as an outfield player… but there would be nothing stopping me if I was a goalkeeper.I advertised myself as a keeper, had one good training session (I will admit the competition was lacklustre - show some passion at least!), and made the team!Easy stuff.I remained a keeper for a few more years before converting to an outfield player, and I haven’t looked back since.So, with 5+ years of being both a goalkeeper and an outfield player, I thought foot-golf would be a piece of cake.

Blimey, I was wrong...

It turns out the best way to play foot-golf is to make the shortest passes possible—I was spraying the ball all over the place. I’d always been good at a long ball across the field or over the top, but I was messing up a simple 10-yard pass. 😂I finished 4th.(Out of 4.)This enlightened me to the idea that expertise in one domain doesn't necessarily translate into a similar, yet different area.Sales is the power of human interaction, talking face-to-face, making that human connection to sell your product.Marketing, on the other hand, is leveraging inanimate objects—videos, billboards, social media posts—to gain the attention and interest of your customers.The same outcome, like football and foot-golf (kicking a ball towards a target), but a very different approach.Marketing is primarily psychology.It’s about understanding what makes your target market tick and providing that tick to them.Even if you are a master salesman, don’t assume marketing is the same thing.Don’t make the same mistake that I did.If you fancy a free marketing consultation for your business, click here and we’d be happy to get back in contact to see how we can help.

My Rude Awakening to the Dunning-Kruger Effect: Learn how to avoid this trap!

As I mentioned in my previous blog post, I’m quite an adventurous chap.Others may call it recklessness, but I don’t see how hurtling down the side of a mountain at 60 mph on two slithers of plastic is rash at all.Although I would say, if you plan on doing this, do tell your parents after engaging in such activities (if you plan to tell them at all!).Recently, I’ve taken an avid interest in combat sports.Even though up until 18 months ago, I had zero interest in it whatsoever.That is, until my first UFC night.For those unfamiliar, the UFC is a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) company based in Las Vegas. They put on events much like boxing, with two people attempting to beat the other and win the fight.Back in February 2023, a couple of my mates invited me to watch one of the UFC’s events with them one evening.A chance to stay up late, play some games, and eat and drink until the early hours of the morning?Count. Me. In.Little did I know how BRUTAL the night to come would be.The UFC usually aim to have their events finish around the 11/12pm mark. Doesn’t sound too bad right?Sadly, they are based in Las Vegas - 8 hours behind the UK, meaning the event was due to finish around 7 am.😮I’m all for staying up late and doing stuff with the lads, but until 7 am!?!?I was going to need a lot of caffeine…It was a STRUGGLE, but I managed to slog my way through the night in one piece, coming out the other side with a completely new passion: I became OBSESSED with MMA(You may be thinking: “What’s all this waffle about MMA? Where's the stuff on the Dunning-Kruger effect?”)(Don’t worry, we’re nearly there!)By the time I got to university, I was chomping at the bit to train in MMA.Conveniently, there was an MMA society.I went crazy, attending every session, learning from every coach, doing drills outside of class, watching content to improve my skills.I lived and breathed MMA and felt the most alive I’ve ever felt.Don’t let this fool you, MMA workouts are the toughest physical activity I have ever done by a country mile.But, damn, it was fun.Before we broke up for Christmas, our head MMA coach decided to train jiu-jitsu with us individually.I was secretly confident that I could last a minute, maybe two, with the coach. I had the size advantage, he seemed fatigued (or so I thought), and I was in a more dominant position.This is a prime example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect:

In short, when you first start doing something, your confidence shoots through the roof. Then, reality checks in, confidence plummets, then you slowly build your competence and confidence back.The most common place to see this is in hobbies, but it appears in just about every skill we ever learn.I wonder if you can guess what’s about to happen with my MMA coach.The first round lasted 10 seconds. The second, 15. And the third, 5.I was absolutely schooled.Yes, I confess my confidence was way too high, BUT I guarantee you’ve thought that you could do something better than “professionals” even though you’ve hardly ever touched it.Confidence is an amazing attribute, but it can easily blind you, especially in business.It’s super easy to avoid this trap, though—communicate with experts.Trust me, it will save you a tremendous amount of time, headaches, and confusion.

3 Marketing Tips That'll improve YOUR business

Have you ever heard the story about the boiling frog?
I must admit, it's not exactly a riveting tale, but it does demonstrate an under-used marketing technique. Let’s see if I do this yarn justice…
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, in a place no man has gone before, there was a hole in the ground.
In this deep, dark hole lived a green frog.
A plain, simple green frog.
The frog was preparing a bath, as all normal frogs do.
However, the frog had never taken a bath before.Initially, the frog filled the tub with water from the kettle. The bath was now steaming - “Perfect!” thought the frog.Wasting no time, the frog jumped in.And immediately jumped out.“Blimey! That was WAY too hot,”.The frog emptied the bath, filled it with cold water, and started mixing in the scalding water, little by little.This time, the frog tentatively slid into the bath.And as it gradually warmed up, the frog felt at ease and started to relax. In doing so, it didn’t realise the rising temperature of the water…Eventually, the frog boiled alive!Poor thing. 🐸You might be scratching your chin, wondering how a sizzled amphibian has anything to do with marketing.(That’s a good sign! I wouldn’t want you to be bored!)Do you remember the last time you said yes to a door-to-door salesman?Yeah, me neither.They might be offering something life-changing, but the approach is all wrong:
- They’re forcing a sale on me.
- I’m unhappy about it happening at my home.
- I have no desire to buy whatever they are selling.
So, I immediately say, “Thanks, but no thanks,” and close the door.Much like the frog jumping out of the boiling water.When persuading customers to make a sale, creating adverts that state “We do it the cheapest, we do it the fastest, we do it the best” gives me the impression that you're as useful as a snake doing surgery.In reality, I’m sure you’re amazing at what you do. But you're framing your talents in the wrong way. Instead try this:Warm up to your customers. Give them free value, examples, and testimonials. Showcase all the amazing work you’ve done and sell the experience, not the price.Then, when you eventually make an advert, you will have taken your customers on a journey from lukewarm to piping hot. Now, all they need is that final push—the advert.Keep this in mind when designing your next advertising campaign.

Less is More: Simplifying Choices to Boost Sales

You may have come across the idea that the more products you offer, the harder it is for a customer to buy just one.
For example, if I’m running a jam shop, I’m much more likely to make more money by offering 5 different jams rather than 25.
But why is that the case? There are two main reasons:
1. Cognitive Overload
Think of brains like computers.
They consume information, manipulate it, and form an output.Each brain runs on a slightly different operating system but, at their core, they all do the same thing.
What happens to a computer when you have 25 programs open at once?

(Mine starts to scream at me).On the other hand, what happens when you have 5 programs open?(Screaming is now much less likely).This is what is going on in your customer’s brain. By reducing choice, you are reducing the friction in their thinking process, making it easier to say yes!2. Increased SatisfactionDo you know why iPhones sell so well?(If I answered that question in full, we could be here for a while…)One of the reasons is they release one new model per year, with a pro version alongside it.Two models. Once per year.Incredibly simple choice.By not flooding the market with a massive variety of iPhones, they have retained their value.In turn, customers have increased satisfaction as they have LESS choice.Gone are the thoughts of: “Oh, I wish it had that feature like that model,” “Why can’t it do that?” or “I should have got it in that colour.”Reducing choice increases customer satisfaction.Top Tip: When positioning the price of your product, create another package/product that is a significantly worse deal. This inherently increases the value of the main product you are pushing through comparison.

Harnessing Parkinson’s Law

Parkinson’s Law is an intriguing concept that I only recently came across.From my understanding, it states that work fills the time available for its completion.In other words, without clear deadlines, tasks can take longer than necessary, consuming valuable resources, money, and most importantly, your time.Get into the habit of setting clear, achievable deadlines for your work.Your productivity will skyrocket. 🚀

Simplify Your Client Acquisition: Easy Funnel Building

Have you ever heard of the Value Ladder?(In a hurry? Skip to just after the exploding head to start the funnel walkthrough immediately!)Used most famously by Apple, this clever strategy guides customers to, unknowingly, pay a lot more than they intend to.To demonstrate this, let's "buy an iPad."

I want a basic iPad to take notes on, watch movies, and travel with. If I bought the iPad Pro only to indulge in Suits and Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, I'd kindly request you’d whack me on the noggin and tell me to pull myself together.(If you haven’t watched Bill and Ted, close this blog immediately and watch a spotty Keanu Reeves do some totally bogus stuff!)

Anyway, I’m going to buy the standard iPad, starting at £349.

Considering I’m an incredibly busy chap, constantly flying around the world, I want as much storage as possible to download content to watch.But wait a minute, now the price is £499—that’s as much as an iPad mini.That’s a much more portable and newer model - may as well look at buying that one.

Like before, I definitely need more storage. And since I’ll be travelling a lot, I’d like to connect to the internet when I’m not on Wi-Fi.Hold on a second! How am I paying £200 more than the iPad Air!?!?I may as well get that one and save some money.So then I'm going to buy an iPad Air…(You can see where this is going).🤦I will say that most people won’t climb the value ladder that fast, but some will go all the way from a standard iPad to a maxed-out iPad Pro.At the expense of only £2,768.


While an extreme example, Apple clearly displays the implementation of a funnel.Funnels can be placed ANYWHERE within your business model, performing one job - to pull customers deeper into the business.

Funnels are essential for business growth.The most common type is the client acquisition funnel.Luckily for all you loyal readers of this award-winning, multi-dimensional blog, I’m going to show you how to set up a simple client acquisition funnel.

Step 1 - Lead Generation

Can’t have a profitable business without any customers!What’s the best way to get new customers? Have them come to you! 🎉Let’s go through three easy lead generation methods that you could use today:Local Content Marketing: Push out positive free value, piggyback on trends, post lots of stories, etc., on your social media pages.Position your business as a valuable resource to a prospect.They will view it, consume it, engage with it, read reviews on it, and more. This is what we want. 🙂Please avoid plastering your account with your own adverts.Prospects will get sick of it and stop paying attention.Weave in your adverts intermittently in new and quirky ways to keep your pages fresh and entertaining.Referral Programs: Why spend enormous amounts of time and energy finding clients when you can get your customers to do it for you? 🤔Offer discounts, deals, and promotions to your current customers if they bring in 1/3/5/X more clients (either their friends, family, coworkers, etc.).It’ll help improve your relationship with your current customer base while expanding it. What’s not to love?Business Partnerships: Following on from referrals, you could refer your customers to a fellow business and receive potential clients in return—a mutual partnership.Or put on events together, create posts together, design a new product together.Finding a like-minded, growing, and positive partner business is a great way to reach a whole new audience. 😀

Step 2 - Lead Nurturing

Now that we have your prospects' attention, let's get them interested in your services.You could easily hit them with an advert. It might work. 🥴 But there is a more effective route to maximise conversions from prospects to customers.The best way to do this is through engagement.Create a book, poster, list, or resource that the prospects would want.E.g., 4 Easy Ways to Keep Your Windows Clean.Then, for the prospects to access it, have them interact with you: either by giving their email or commenting on a post.By doing this, you can filter to find those interested in what you are offering. Focus on these people.There will ALWAYS be people who follow you yet have no interest in buying what you're offering.For example, my mum follows my pages and even reads my blog when she gets around to it!(Hey Mum! Hope the dog is behaving herself 🐶)But she would never have any need for a custom email marketing campaign or an automated lead-generating bot.At least I don’t think she does!Now you have a list of people who have shown interest in your product and have given you a means of contacting them.That leads us nicely to Step 3.

Step 3 - The Sale

If done correctly, your funnel will now have a list of interested prospects and an easy way of contacting them.All you have to do is drop them a message and convince them to say yes to a low-risk offer.What is a low-risk offer? Something that asks for little to no money input, a small time sacrifice, and as little friction as possible.Imagine you got a message from one of your favourite businesses that read:“Hey there! We think you would love our new product. Fill out this long and complicated form to arrange a sales call so we can tell you how great the product is!”🥱 Not exactly appealing.They are asking too much from the prospect.Instead, provide a low-risk offer, e.g., “Fancy a 5-minute chat?”Make it short, informal, and easy to say yes to.And Bingo. There’s a template for a simple funnel that EVERY business should try to implement.Granted, it takes a while to set up. But Rome wasn’t built in a day!(It was around 1,200 years—if it takes you that long to build your funnel, I need to know who your doctor is)*Hopefully, this has given you some new ideas, been a proof of concept, or at least a fun read! 😝

Your Biggest Competitor

Watching The Outdoor Boys YouTube channel has completely flipped my thinking.A couple of months ago, I stumbled across the channel, having never watched it before.Yet I was intrigued by a chap camping in an extremely cold environment with nothing but a blanket!

C’mon now, you know I had to watch that 😀Ever since then, I’ve been hooked. With around 9.5 million subscribers, Luke (the person running the channel) has made a life out of his love for adventures.But it wasn’t always that way.Way before Luke started YouTubing, he was a qualified lawyer working as a criminal defence attorney.(Not the most particularly interesting role 🥴)He had always had a passion for outdoor camping in Alaska, doing lots of it in his childhood with his family and friends.Since he would go on these exertions alone, he thought he would start recording them and posting them on YouTube to give himself some company and some purpose.So while he was still a lawyer, he would go off and camp, record a video, and whack it on YouTube.There was no intention to blow up or get popular - only to have a purpose and share his experiences with the world.He soon discovered he could make a living doing what he loves, and he went all in.Luke spends around 60–70 hours per week on the channel, planning, doing, and editing all his content - as much, if not more time than he spent being a lawyer.This made me realise something profound: Luke had obsessed over his passion.That obsession led him to create one of the most popular YouTube channels, allowing him to spend more time doing what he loves and being with those closest to him.At the end of the day, isn’t that what most people want?That is certainly what I am striving for.The only person who can make it happen is you, and you are the only person who can mess it up.Would you rather look back at your life with relish or regret?But how do I ensure I don’t live with regret?When I ask myself that question, I refer to a movie quote from A Most Violent Year:

“When it feels scary to jump, that is exactly when you jump.”

I perceive this as the ability to embrace failure.The will to smile the next time something goes wrong and blows up in your face.To smile and say: “Good.”Embrace it. Learn from it.Know that each failure gets you one step closer to a win.Aim for progress, not perfection.At the end of the day, if you really want it, what’s stopping you from getting it?Luke did it by accident.Imagine what you could do if you obsessed over it.

My Grandmother Could Have Hit That With A Stick Of Rhubarb

Cricket, the quintessentially English pastime, was born in the lush fields of the southwest.Who could have guessed that smacking a ball with a piece of wood and then sprinting between points would become such an iconic part of British culture?It’s so popular, in fact, that the Americans decided to create their own version - one with less finesse and many more hotdogs.🌭Traditionally, cricket was all about Test matches: five days of intense action. In a field.Riveting stuff.Then came the shorter formats: 50 and 20 overs - bringing a breath of fresh air and atracting a younger, more energetic crowd.Enter Sir Geoffrey Boycott.I’ve never seen him play, but I’ve had the pleasure of hearing him commentate.And let me tell you, I got the best deal out of it!Boycott was known for his no-nonsense batting style.Keep it tight, keep it tidy, block everything. It was effective - he racked up shedloads of runs.But, let’s be honest, it was also a bit... well, dull.However, behind the mic, Boycott was anything but boring: he was a razor-sharp tongue and a cheeky wit.For exampleWhen a fielder dropped an easy catch, Boycott remarked: “He could have caught that between the cheeks of his backside.” 😂And if a batsman missed a simple shot, he’d say, “My Grandmother could have hit that with a stick of rhubarb.”Two completely different sides of the same person.On the pitch, he was all business; yet on the mic, he was pure entertainment.Fast forward to today, and the England Test team have shifted massively away from Boycott's style.Under the leadership of their captain, Ben Stokes, they’ve adopted a more aggressive approach.The new mentality is simple: if we’re going to get out, we may as well go out swinging.So far, it’s been a rollercoaster. 🎢Spectacular successes and epic failures, but one thing’s for sure - it’s brought a fresh wave of excitement to the game.Test cricket, once a slow burn, is now thrilling and unpredictable whenever England takes the field.Fundamentally, it’s still the same sport.But with a slight tweak in tactics and mentality, the entire atmosphere has shifted.More fans, more energy, more tickets sold. 🏏🔥But how does this help you?Don’t be afraid to try something a little quirky in your business.It might be a bold ad campaign, a unique product, or even a free camel giveaway 🐪(Okay, maybe not camels, but you get the point.)(In all seriousness, I need to find myself a camel because who wouldn't want one?)

(Do you know anyone that could help me get my hands on one?It would make my day!)Markets are incredibly saturated; standing out is essential.Be willing to shake things up - don’t get stuck in a Geoffrey Boycott rut.And seriously, if anyone knows where I can get a camel, let me know. 😜

What a $25 Movie and a Glass Box Taught Me About Marketing – 2 Lessons You Can’t Miss

For those who have ventured across the pond(Or if you’re reading from there now—Howdy! 🤠)You’ll know that it feels like stepping into an entirely different dimension.During my visit to this parallel universe, I was bombarded with ideas I had never considered before.One of these lightbulb moments came in the form of a rather tiny glass box.Well… “tiny” is relative.

In the midst of New York City’s towering skyscrapers and blinding lights, there stood this simple, clean, and elegant glass box that somehow managed to steal the spotlight.When I first saw it, I genuinely thought the city had forgotten to build something there.Every inch of NYC seems to be packed with massive, imposing structures.Yet, it wasn’t the towering buildings or spectacular architecture that truly caught my attention.(Okay, they did catch my eye, but that doesn’t sound as dramatic, does it? 😅)It was the space around that glass box that fascinated me.Ding Ding Ding! 🔔Jackpot! 🎉

Something had captured my attention.

In today’s world, 90% of the battle is getting people to notice.Oonce you have those precious few seconds of their time, that’s when you work your magic.Now, let’s see if you can figure out the overarching strategy Apple employed here…Tick.Tock.Time!⏱️Got it?If you, by some miraculous chance, had said: “Chewbacca Defense.”You'd be WRONG!(But really, if you guessed that, you might’ve misunderstood the question 😂)The correct answer is, of course: A Pattern Interrupt.Humans have primal instincts hardwired into us:
- Need food to survive
- Want to find a partner and build a tribe
- Avoid threats
As a result, we’ve become incredibly good at spotting something out of the ordinary.Let’s take a quick journey back in time:Imagine you’re on first watch for the night in the Mongolian grasslands.

Your family is fast asleep in their yurts, all peaceful and content.The grasslands are, well, grassy. (Shocking, I know 🤦)With nothing but endless green stretching before you, it doesn’t take long for your brain to start snoozing.A clump of grass shifts.Your head whips around, eyes laser-focused on the spot. 👀
A rustle, closer to the camp this time.
You grab your spear, just in case.

The movement comes closer, and closer.Your grip tightens, your breathing quickens! 🫁It’s only a few metres away…(Oh, but that’s a story for another time - I can’t give away all the good stuff in one go! 😁)But I hope you get the idea.We’ve all heard the phrase “You have to stand out to be noticed,” but it’s even more important to understand why.How will you rustle in a sea of grass? 🌱How will you break the pattern?
Now, let’s pivot back to my New York adventure.Please don’t ever do what I’m about to tell you.
During one of our outings in the Big Apple, my friends and I had the brilliant idea of watching a movie.(Logically, it wasn’t our finest moment - coming to a new city only to do something we could easily do at home 😕.)But hey, at least it was a good movie.In fact, it was such a great film I ended up watching it three times. 😯(Oops)Cinema prices are high enough back home. Why pay the price of a Netflix AND Prime subscription for one movie?Where I live, a cinema ticket costs around £10.In NYC?$25. 🫨But here’s the kicker: in Philadelphia, at the same cinema chain, tickets were just $15.A 40% difference, solely due to location.Businesses should leverage this concept more - even if its only objective is to generate a pattern interrupt.On the local stage, many businesses try to compete on price alone.“How can I provide my service cheaper than others for the same result?”Selling on price is literally the worst strategy.Why?As EVERYONE else is doing it.You'll get caught into a war of undercutting which can never help grow your business.Instead, try convince customers that your product is worth it.That way they will pay whatever you ask.Focus your marketing strategies on providing value, social proofs and being reliable.To achieve this effectively: understand your market's motives.Determine what makes them tick and, most importantly, why.Then you can tailor your efforts to meet their needs and become the business for them rather than "another" business.This way, you can carve a massive slice of your niche out without compromising price - what’s not to like!
Thanks for reading our latest blog post.We hope it gave you a couple ideas that you could use down the line!But if you don't want to wait for massive growth, why not get us to do it for you by breaking down your:
- Market
- Advertising Strategy
- Lead sources
- Copy
Once completed, we'll provide 3 tweaks/tips to your current situation that we know will grow your business.And the best part about it:We do it for free!Get in touch here(It would be a shame for you to miss out!)

Replicate the Success of the Best-Selling Fitness Program 💪

(Credit goes to Harry Dry for this nugget of wisdom) - check out more of his stuff here

“I want to create an app that helps people get fit!”The app developer sighed deeply.
Here we go again, they thought, as yet another entrepreneur pitched their fitness idea. This was the third this week.
Let’s hope this one has something different.“My goal is to help people lose fat,” said the eager entrepreneur.The developer’s eyes glazed over.Not another one.“Said every fitness coach ever.”And without a coffee to keep them going, the developer was seconds from drifting off into sleep.“Okay, okay… how about an app to help people diet? That’ll make them lose weight, right?”Groan.“I could literally Google that in 5 seconds. Give me something I can work with.”The entrepreneur looked flustered, scrambling for words. After a long pause, they whipped out a whiteboard and wrote across the top:“I want to create an app that helps lazy people lose weight, ideally through running.”That’s when the developer’s head dropped into their hands. 😩 If they didn’t get a coffee now, it was all over.No way was this going anywhere.
They packed up their stuff, ready to call it a day—
“Couch to 5k!”

And just like that, one of the most significant fitness programs in history was born.(I have no clue if that’s actually how it happened, but as a developer myself, I’m betting it went something like that 😆)

But how did the entrepreneur (Josh Clark, if you’re curious) go from “I want to create an app that helps lazy people lose weight through running” to “Couch to 5k”?Believe it or not, there’s a tried-and-tested method behind it—and if you can master this, you’ll be ahead of 76% of marketing agencies. 🚀

During my time studying computer science, I learned a key concept that makes this all click: Abstraction.In a nutshell, abstraction means that even if you don’t know how something works, you can still use it.
Take driving a car, for example. I can drive just fine, but I barely know how an internal combustion engine works.
All I need to know is how to turn the key, and BOOM—I’ve got power. 🔑💥

So how does this apply to “Couch to 5k”?Think back to that first title:“I want to create an app that helps lazy people lose weight.”It’s a broad, abstract concept, lacking details or specificity.If you imagined anything at all, it was probably an overweight person lounging on a couch, trying (and failing) to run.But break it down:
- Lazy person Couch
- Running 5k
✨ Genius. ✨“Couch” is a tangible, non-offensive way to describe someone who’s out of shape and wants to lose weight. Perfect.And “5k”? It sounds impossible to a beginner, but if you follow the plan, it’s achievable. And that’s what people want - something they can achieve. 🏃

Here’s the real takeaway:

Most business names, product titles, and headlines are way too abstract. They throw around ideas but don’t get to the point in a way that matters.Colgate gets it - look at this comparison of two of their ads:

One talks all about their fancy product.The other shows why people will actually buy it: confidence from fresh breath. 👄

By simplifying your messaging and focusing on the real reason customers want your product, you can replicate the success of Couch to 5k in your business. 🎯Abstraction? Leave it for the code. In your business, clarity is king.

Why I Spent Over 500 Hours Testing (So You Don’t Have To)

Ever tried your hand at programming?
Maybe you’ve dabbled in Scratch, the block-building app for animations.
Or, perhaps, you’ve built a calculator in Python.Who knows, maybe you’re all PhD-level software engineers?Programming, in all its glory, is quite possibly one of the most...If not the most…


experiences you’ll ever encounter.It’s the ultimate test of patience.
Ask any programmer you know, and I’ll bet they’ve never written a program that worked on the first try.
It’s almost a rite of passage at this point.Let me rewind to my early coding days.Back when Freddo chocolate bars didn’t cost the same as a mortgage, and I was creating my very first program.The iconic “Hello World.” 🌍I was following a lecture by a Harvard professor.Surely, with this level of guidance, there was no way things could go wrong, right?I carefully followed every step. Copied directly into my IDE (where programmers write code).Triple-checked the syntax.Zero chance of error.Or so I thought.🤦The second I hit "RUN"… my screen lit up in a glorious shade of red.

ERROR (+ a sea of jargon that I couldn’t even begin to understand)

It turns out, I had written “priint” instead of “print.”Classic. My spelling has always been top-tier. 😅Now, you might assume that after years of coding, the number of errors would drop.Oh, how I wish that were true!Fast forward 3 years, and fixing one bug seems to create five more.Most of my time is spent figuring out why my code isn’t behaving, only to discover some obvious mistake.Fix that, and, boom! Something else breaks. And then that fix?It messes up something else entirely. 😫But here’s the thing: I’ve spent over 500 hours testing code.

Why should you care?

Good question.The real lesson here isn’t about coding at all.(Apart from it is a real pain in the backside)It’s about the mindset I’ve developed through this process.Programmers encounter thousands of failures before their program works as intended.And most of the time, they’re only getting a section of it right.Failure sucks.But you cannot win without failing first.Now, when I come across a mistake, a missed goal, or an unexpected issue - I smile. 😄Because I’ve learned that every failure pushes me one step forward.Every. Single. Time.So, next time something blows up whether it’s an ad campaign, a website, or anything else - remember this:You’re being tested.Will you take the lessons from those failures to grow, adapt, and push forward?Or will you let it defeat you?(Just to be clear: don’t go seeking failure - that’s a shortcut to disaster. But don’t fear it either, because the more you fail, the more you learn.)

It's time I told you this...

Do you know what the most powerful tool a marketer can use is?It guarantees an increase in sales, engagement, conversions—whatever you’re promoting.Even with a killer headline, perfect copy, and an irresistible CTA, this one tool can elevate it all tenfold.To explain this magical tool, let’s take a peek into my emails... 👀📧First up, a classic email marketing format from Next:

Next Advert

But what makes this work so well?💡Let’s break it down.First off, everyone loves "Great News," right? But imagine how much more powerful this could have been:“Terrible News!”
"You’ve been selected for a VIP sale on Thursday, but you’re only getting 50% off!"
People are hard-wired to respond to negative news. Just take a glance at any major news site—bet their top headline has a negative spin.Bad news grabs attention.Every. Single. Time. 🎯The next element?Nosey-ness.Let’s face it, everyone’s secretly nosy. If you hear an argument, you can’t help but lean in a little closer, right? 🙊But when it’s a calm, orderly conversation?


Boring!You can flip almost any situation into a negative hook that draws people in, only to reveal a positive message.This simple shift is psychologically irresistible.
Continuing Next email, they also use a powerful visual technique.
Which is infact a technique that I explored in my first ever blog!(Good to see someone is reading this…)👀 Where did your eyes go when you first saw the ad? If you’re like most, you were drawn to the big, bold “50% off.”That’s no accident. It’s an intentional tactic - highlight the most valuable part of the offer first, so it grabs your attention and sticks in your mind.(Fancy learning more? Click here)The Gym Group takes a different but equally powerful approach:

Next Advert

The promo code stands out - it’s like a beacon calling your name, offering instant savings.And let’s be real, who doesn’t love a good discount? 💸A study by 2Vision backs this up:

"Shoppers are 2x more likely to buy a product with a 20% discount and 99% more likely to purchase when the discount hits 50%!"

🚨 If you aren’t using discounts in your marketing, you’re missing out on HUGE opportunities.But, why does all this work?It all boils down to one thing:TIME.Both of these emails put a time limit on their offers, and that’s what drives action. ⏳Time scarcity increases urgency. It creates panic - "I need to buy this before it’s gone!"Setting deadlines and constantly reminding customers of them is an underused, yet powerful tool.Think about it—why did Oasis sell out 17 venues in hours?
They built anticipation and created urgency.
In marketing, time is your secret weapon. 🕰️
🔑 The Bottom Line: Incorporate time-based urgency into your marketing, and you’ll see a dramatic increase in results.And if you’re not sure where to start, drop me a message. Let’s chat about how we can supercharge your campaigns and get your business soaring. 🚀

How companies are influencing your choice without you even realisng!

Ever noticed how Starbucks coffee sizes, Netflix subscription tiers, and Apple iPhone models all seem designed to push you towards a certain option?You're not imagining things!As mentioned in my most recent video, this is the Decoy Effect - a subtle but powerful psychological phenomenon used by even the biggest brands to guide your decision-making. 🤯And guess what? It’s not about the company - it’s all in the execution. Let me show you how you can use this technique in your own business!

Step 1: Have a Range of Products or Services

Before we dive in, here’s the deal: the Decoy Effect doesn’t work if you only have one offering.You need a range - whether it’s different sizes of coffee, various levels of car cleaning services, or a tiered pricing model for your software or consulting packages.If you’ve got that, you’re ready to level up. 🎯

Step 2: Master Anchoring with a Story from Middle-Earth 🧙

To understand anchoring (a key part of the Decoy Effect), let me take you to one of the greatest cinematic battles of all time: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. You know the one.The Witch King of Angmar, an undefeated powerhouse, battles Gandalf - a being we know to be nearly invincible. And yet... the Witch King wins.Later, when the Witch King faces his final showdown against Eowyn, the stakes feel astronomical because of that earlier fight. By setting the scene and showing his power, the filmmakers positioned him as a force to be reckoned with. ⚔️Anchoring is just that - setting the stage for your customer’s choice by making them feel like the stakes are high.Without anchoring, your decoy strategy crumbles.

Step 3: Creating the Decoy

Now, to truly work this magic, you’ll need a decoy product - something that exists to push customers towards your target option (the one you actually want them to choose).Let’s say you offer a car cleaning service. Here’s the initial breakdown:Basic: £50
Premium: £80
Most people will likely opt for the Basic service because it feels the safest.But watch what happens when I add a decoy product:Basic: £50
Basic+: £65
Premium: £80
Suddenly, the Premium service looks way more appealing, right?

The Ethical Disclaimer 🚨

Before you rush off to exploit the Decoy Effect, let’s get one thing straight: it should always be about providing real value to your customers.Sure, this cognitive bias is used to influence decision-making. But ethically speaking, it’s up to you to ensure the products you offer are worth what your customers are paying. 💡Take this example:
Standard T-shirt: £15 (100% cotton, no special features).
Mid-range T-shirt: £30 (80% organic cotton, 20% recycled materials).
Premium T-shirt: £35 (100% organic cotton, eco-friendly dyes).
The Mid-range T-shirt is the decoy here, nudging customers towards the Premium option that offers more bang for their buck and is better for the environment.But both higher-priced options still deliver real value.

Final Thoughts 💭

The Decoy Effect is everywhere, from coffee shops to car dealerships.It’s a powerful marketing tool that, when used correctly, can significantly boost your sales and customer satisfaction.But remember, the key to long-term success isn’t just clever pricing strategies.It’s about consistently delivering value.Keep your customers happy, and they’ll keep coming back.

Increase Your Sales by Improving Your Copy: Part 1

Estimated read time: 2 minutes & 48 seconds

Elite writing is the easiest way to get attention, boost sales, attract clients, outshine your competition, and grow your business.Let’s be real for a second - I hated English lessons at school. “Expanding the quote”? Yeah, that never caught my attention.But copywriting? That’s different. It fascinates me‼️Why?Because writing great copy is worlds apart from school English lessons.If you want to create ads that win, your copy has to hit the mark.

How to Fix Bad Writing

Over the next few weeks, I’m going to share some simple tips that top-tier copywriters use every day.And don’t worry, we’re not diving into “embedded clauses” or “anaphoric wording” 🥱.We’re talking tricks that help you sell.Alright, let’s get into it.

Copy Should Never Be...

Most articles, paragraphs, and sentences out there are just plain boring. 💤(The sentence above? A perfect example!)And what do customers do when they’re bored?They leave. 🚶The first step to writing copy that works is making it visually appealing.

Would you want to read that?I know I don't want to,And neither will your customer.

Break your copy down into small, digestible chunks, like this blog post.
It’s short, to the point, and easy to follow.Cut the jargon, and let your text breathe. 🫁

The Most Critical Part of Any Ad

No matter what content you're creating - whether it’s a poster, video, article, or email 📨You’ve got 3-8 seconds to make an impression.(Or two sentences if you're lucky!)Make sure everything you write starts with a compelling hook. Give the reader a reason to keep going.Because even if you’ve crafted the best ad ever, if your hook falls flat, the whole thing will flop. 👎A great example? Check out the original Old Spice videos.

Digestible content and it grabs your attention right away.(Plus, it’s only 32 seconds, so give it a watch! 😁)Next time, I’ll dive into how using “baby words” and tapping into the art of a good cliff-hanger. ⛰️Until then, have a great week!

Increase Your Sales by Improving Your Copy: Part 2

What’s the worst kind of customer?(Other than a wild Karen 😉)In my opinion, it’s the confused customer.A confused customer falls into one of two categories:
1. They don’t understand what you’re selling.
2. They’re interested in your product but are confused about how it works, how to buy, or what it actually does.
For example, imagine I’ve opened a culinary store.Here’s the first problem: “culinary” is too complicated a word. If potential customers don’t know what it means, they won’t feel inclined to come inside.So, to simplify: I’ve opened a cooking equipment store.(Not as sleek, but now it’s clear what I’m selling which is essential!)In my store, I have everything from cutlery and utensils to pots and pans. Each item is displayed with its price.A customer walks in, browses, and then leaves without buying anything.Why? 🤔Because I didn’t label any of my products.Even if I had exactly what they needed, they wouldn’t know it because I failed to make it clear. I might be a cooking expert, but my customers aren’t!Wherever possible, simplify and explain your product or service in layman’s terms.(Keep it short, simple, and straightforward).There’s absolutely no reason to overcomplicate things by adding fancy, industry-specific jargon. That only drives your customers away.For example:

“Buy our new TV with ultra-low resistance capacitor-powered LEDs that output waves at a length between 200 and 900 nanometers.”

Sounds impressive, but it’s pure gibberish to most people. 🤷Instead, you could say:

“Buy our most power-efficient TV yet!”

See? Same message, but simpler and more accessible.Keep it simple. Your customers’ brains will thank you for it.If you overcomplicate things, their response will be:“Nah, don’t understand this—so it’s probably not useful.”And when that happens, you fail to appeal to the most important part of a customer: their heart.

Now, I’ll admit some purchases are logical - Say your toilet breaks, you’ll probably buy a new one.🚽
But even then, will you get the same style? Or one with a stronger flush? Maybe even a fancy Japanese toilet?The truth is, while we like to think we make decisions with our heads, 95% of purchases are driven by emotions - according to Harvard.Which brings me to my next point… why I’m comparing your customers to shrimp. 🦐

For some reason, a shrimp’s heart is located in its head.(They also lack arteries and veins, with their organs suspended in red soup🩸)Similarly, good copy bypasses a customer’s brain and speaks directly to their heart.
One of the best ways to do that is through curiosity.
Think about it. Whether it’s a gripping TV series or a captivating book, cliffhangers keep us hooked. If you knew exactly how the story ended, would you stay engaged? Probably not.Take the Sherlock Holmes series from the BBC. They absolutely nailed curiosity. Every episode leaves you guessing, and as you’re so emotionally invested, you can’t stop watching.Curiosity is a vital tool in copywriting. Sprinkle in just enough mystery, and your customers will keep reading because they need to know more.🔎Next week, I’ll be wrapping up this blog series with a deep dive into the BAR Test - a foolproof way to ensure your copy is effective. Stay tuned! 😊

Improving your writing pt3: THE BAR TEST

It’s time to wrap up this series with the most powerful tool yet.Introducing the UNDEFEATED BAR Test. 📈This will guarantee your writing connects with your audience, keeping them engaged and ultimately, driving your sales.So far, you've learned how to:
✅ Craft easy-to-read, digestible content
✅ Keep readers hooked with curiosity
✅ Clearly communicate your product or service
✅ Add irresistible cliffhangers to keep them coming back for more

(If you missed my previous blogs, don't worry! You can read them in about 6 mins here)

But wait, there’s one thing missing.Something Gordon Ramsay never forgets.

The Secret Ingredient: Quality Control

“What does Gordon Ramsay have to do with writing?”Let’s break it down.While he’s known for his fiery personality - (He dropped 35 f-bombs in his first ever TV episode 😳)

He's also a stickler for one thing in particular - quality control. 👨🍳In almost every episode of Kitchen Nightmares, what does he always do apart from:
- Argues with the staff who are almost ALWAYS in denial
- Sort out their disgusting menu
- Drive some sense into the owners
- And completely turn the place around.
He checks the quality of the food.He doesn’t just dive into flashy fixes; he goes back to basics.And that’s exactly what the BAR test is - your quality check for copy.

Don’t Skip the 5-Minute Check!

I’ve been guilty of spending hours on a project, only to skip a quick 5-minute review.I miss crucial mistakes or awkward phrasing that could’ve been easily fixed.That’s where the BAR test comes in.This simple method ensures that your copy is clear, genuine, and flows like a natural conversation.And best of all - it only takes a few minutes! ⏳

So, What is the BAR Test?

Drumroll, please... 🥁Ask yourself: Would I say this in a conversation?

Unlock, Unleash, Empower, blah blah blah - this isn’t how people talk.

People trust conversational language more than corporate flange.If you don’t write like you speak, you risk losing trust with your audience. 💬Take a look at this example:

“At Bob’s Marketing Agency, we specialise in creating tailored marketing strategies that boost your brand’s visibility and drive growth. Our expert team leverages data-driven insights across social media, SEO, and digital advertising to help your business stand out. Whether you're a small business or an established brand, we provide flexible solutions designed to increase engagement, enhance customer loyalty, and maximise ROI. Partner with us today to unlock your business’s full potential with personalised marketing that delivers results. Let’s take your marketing to the next level—get started with Bob’s Marketing Agency now!"

Please tell me you didn’t read all that 😬☝️If you did, you have more patience than me.(And probably fast asleep 💤)

The Fix: Write Like You Talk

Keep it simple.The next time you write, read it out loud.Where does it sound clunky? Where do you trip over your words? Where does the flow break?🌊Revise until you’re happyGreat writing doesn’t need to be fancy - it needs to connect. 🤝The more genuine you are, the better your relationship with your customers.By applying this advice, your writing will improve massively - and that’s a guarantee. 💯

Want Me to Put Your Copy to the BAR Test?

Interested in seeing how the BAR test can transform your writing?Get in touch today! I'll personally examine your company's messaging and craft a strategy that aligns with your goals.No cost, no pressure. Just pure, actionable insights.Sounds good? Let’s chat. 👉 Get in touch here

CDK Solutions Customer Privacy Notice
This privacy notice tells you what to expect us to do with your personal information.
Our Contact Details
- Email: [email protected]
What Information We Collect, Use, and Why
We collect and use the following information to provide services and goods, including delivery:
- Names and contact details
Lawful Bases
Our lawful bases for collecting or using personal information to provide services and goods are:
- Consent
Where We Get PersonalInformation From
- People directly
Retention Schedule
1. Contact Details
Information Collected: Names, email addresses, phone numbers, physical addresses.
Purpose: To provide services and goods, including delivery, and to communicate with customers.
Retention Period:
- Active Customers: Retained for the duration of the customer relationship and for 2 years after the last transaction or communication to provide customer support and handle any legal claims.
- Inactive Customers: Retained for 2 years after the last interaction.
- Consent Withdrawn: Deleted within 1 month after the withdrawal of consent.
2. Transaction Records
Information Collected: Purchase history, delivery records.
Purpose: To maintain transaction records for accounting and legal purposes.
Retention Period:
- Transaction Data: Retained for 7 years to comply with tax and accounting regulations.
3. Customer Support Records
Information Collected: Communications with customer support.
Purpose: To provide customer support and improve services.
Retention Period:
- Support Tickets: Retained for 2 years from the date of resolution of the support issue.
4. Marketing Preferences
Information Collected: Preferences for receiving marketing communications.
Purpose: To manage marketing preferences and ensure compliance with marketing laws.
Retention Period:
- Marketing Preferences: Retained until the customer withdraws consent or updates their preferences.
5. Legal and Compliance Records
Information Collected: Records related to legal claims, compliance with laws.
Purpose: To comply with legal obligations and defend against legal claims.
Retention Period:
- Legal Records: Retained for the duration of the legal obligation or the statute of limitations period for potential claims (typically 7 years).
6. Data Protection Requests
Information Collected: Records of data protection requests and our responses.
Purpose: To comply with data protection laws and demonstrate compliance.
Retention Period:
- Request Records: Retained for 2 years from the date of the response to the request.
Your Data Protection Rights
Under data protection law, you have rights including:
- Your right of access - You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal data.
- Your right to rectification - You have the right to ask us to rectify personal data you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete information you think is incomplete.
- Your right to erasure - You have the right to ask us to erase your personal data in certain circumstances.
- Your right to restriction of processing - You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances.
- Your right to object to processing - You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances.
- Your right to data portability - You have the right to ask that we transfer the personal data you gave us to another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances.
- Your right to withdraw consent – When we use consent as our lawful basis, you have the right to withdraw your consent.
You don’t usually need to pay a fee to exercise your rights. If you make a request, we have one calendar month to respond to you. To make a data protection rights request, please contact us using the contact details at the top of this privacy notice.How to Complain
If you have any concerns about our use of your personal data, you can make a complaint to us using the contact details at the top of this privacy notice.
If you remain unhappy with how we’ve used your data after raising a complaint with us, you can also complain to the ICO.The ICO’s address:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Helpline number: 0303 123 1113Website: ICO Complaint

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